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Clyde's Escape 아이콘

Clyde's Escape

TEA, The Ebook Alternative
0 리뷰
965 다운로드

Whatever you do, don't stop running

Turbo를 이용해 광고 등을 제거하세요

Clyde's Escape is a game where you have to choose between different options in order to keep going, trying to advance without your enemies catching you.

In the center bottom of the screen, different combinations of platforms will appear. You'll have to run on the platforms, jumping over the spikes that will kill some of your enemies and placing obstacles to block others.

Turbo를 이용해 광고 등을 제거하세요

With the coins you collect as you play, you can improve your character by getting new abilities or even extra lives that will help you get further in the game with much less stress. As you keep playing, there are not only more enemies but also all different kinds.

Clyde's Escape has solid graphics, which is important since you'll need to pay close attention to the main elements in the background that keep changing as you advance.

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요구사항 (최신 버전)

  • Android 3.0.x 이상의 버전이 필요합니다

Clyde's Escape 1.1.0에 대한 정보

패키지 이름 fr.tea.ebookreader.cdiscount
라이센스 무료
운영 체제 Android
카테고리 만화 및 책 독자
언어 한국어
글쓴이 TEA, The Ebook Alternative
다운로드 965
날짜 15 6월 2016
콘텐츠 등급 +3
광고 지정되지 않음
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Turbo를 이용해 광고 등을 제거하세요

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Clyde's Escape 아이콘


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